Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide with an average of nine million deaths per year. Available studies have shown a rise in cancer cases from exposure to environmental agents such as pesticides and fertilizers. Despite multiple studies on cancer, empirical evidence on the role of personal protection against exposure to pesticides is lacking especially in the local context. To provide local evidence of personal protection among famers this study sought to establish determinants of cancer preventative behaviors among rural farmers in Laikipia County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to assess the personal protection practices among farmers, establish demographic characteristics associated with and personal protection practices, determine the association between knowledge and personal protection practices and establish the association between attitude and personal protection practices. A descriptive analytical cross-sectional survey was used in this study. The study targeted small-scale farmers. A sample of 196 farmers was selected using Slovins’ formula. The study employed simple random sampling to choose participants. The data was collected using a structured questionnaire that was administered by the researcher. The study instruments were pretested in Isiolo County, Kenya, for a preliminary evaluation. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages. Chi-square tests were also carried out to determine the association between the variables. Logistic regression was also carried out to establish determinants of cancer preventative behaviors. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 28 was used for analysis. The results showed that majority of the respondents 88.3% (n=173) had poor personal protection practices. Slightly above half 67.3% (n=132) of the respondents were knowledgeable on personal protection. In addition, majority of the respondents 75% (n=147) had a negative attitude towards personal protection. Chi-square analysis showed that age (p<0.01), level of education (p<0.01), land size (p<0.01) and crops grown (p<0.01) were statistically significant. Age (p < 0.001), level of education (p < 0.001), land size (p < 0.001) and attitude (p < 0.001) were predictors in the regression analysis. The study concluded that personal protection practices among farmers using pesticide are poor. Personal protection practices associated with demographic characteristics, knowledge and attitude. The researcher recommended that the county government of Laikipia ought to provide farmers with access to personal protective equipment. In addition, there is a need for targeted education and awareness campaigns to improve knowledge of personal protection practices among farmers.
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