• JOEL ATUTI OKEBIRO Kenyatta University [KU], Kenya
  • GERALD MUTONYI Kenyatta University [KU], Kenya
Keywords: Security, Private Security Companies, Crime Detection, Crime Prevention


The security of any nation is key for the achievement of social, economic and political objectives. Given these critical aspects of the security, no country across the globe can be able to satisfy the security need without having a support from other stakeholders such as community and partnering with private security companies. With special requirement and level of training that private security companies offer to their staff, partnership of police and private security companies in crime detection and prevention is key in provision of security across the country. The general objective of this study was to examine the private security companies and crime detection and prevention within the county of Nairobi, Kenya. The four specific objectives of this study were to: examine the various roles of private security companies in crime detection and prevention in Nairobi County, examine the capacity of private security companies in crime detection and prevention, identify the constraints encountered by the private security companies in crime detection and prevention and to establish best practices for adoption by the private security companies in crime detection and prevention in Nairobi County. This study was grounded on Situational Crime Prevention Theory. The study employed a descriptive research design. The target population of this study were the employees of the 108 security companies in Nairobi County. A stratified random sampling technique was used in coming up with a sample size of 72 security private companies. The study used both questionnaires and an interview guide to collect primary data. Qualitative data was analyzed based on the content matter of the responses. Quantitative data was coded into SPSS 24 while was presented in tables and graphs and explanations was presented in prose. The findings of the study revealed that Private security companies have a great role in crime detection and protection but can be enhanced with joint operations with the state law enforcement agencies. The private security companies have the capacity of crime detection and prevention but can be boosted with the collaboration of other stakeholders especially the police service. That the constraints of lack of cooperation from the police, is not wholly true because they consider each other as partners in crime. The best practices by the private security companies in crime detection and prevention can be practiced in union to achieve the best results in pursuit to achieving security.

Author Biographies

JOEL ATUTI OKEBIRO, Kenyatta University [KU], Kenya

Student, Master of Arts in Security Management and Police Studies, Department of Security and Correctional Science, School of Security, Diplomacy and Peace Studies

GERALD MUTONYI, Kenyatta University [KU], Kenya

Lecturer, School of Security, Diplomacy and Peace Studies


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