Keywords: Faith-Based Organizations, Garissa County, Drought Response


This study examined the impact of faith-based organizations’ initiatives on drought response in Garissa County, Kenya. The study was conducted through a descriptive research design where three FBOs: The Lutheran world organization, World Vision, and Islamic relief Kenya, were identified as case studies. The data was conducted in June 2021 using questionnaires, interview schedules, and focused group discussions. All the employees across the three FBOs totaling 67 formed the target population for the study. However, in the end, 47 questionnaires corresponding to 70.15% of the respondents were received for the analysis. The data were analyzed through descriptive techniques and presented as texts, tables, figures, and graphs. The study established that faith-based organizations’ relief response initiatives had little impact on the beneficiaries. The study concluded that faith-based organizations’ initiatives determine the well-being of drought victims in Garissa County. The study recommended that faith-based organizations should increase and enhance relief impact assessment activities to improve drought response. Finally, the researcher recommended that a study be conducted on other faith-based organizations to examine their effectiveness in relief assistance. The study also considered the ethical consideration in the entire research process.


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