The burgeoning blue economy, driven by extensive ocean infrastructure development, promises substantial economic benefits for coastal regions. However, this rapid economic transformation can have profound psychological implications for local populations. This narrative review explored the delicate balance between fostering economic development and maintaining psychological resilience in coastal communities. The article looked into the economic impacts of key sectors such as marine tourism, fisheries, aquaculture, renewable energy, and port infrastructure, highlighting their contributions to regional growth and employment. Concurrently, the article examined the psychological challenges faced by coastal populations, including stress and anxiety linked to environmental changes and economic volatility. Sustainable development strategies were evaluated, emphasizing the integration of mental health support into economic planning and the importance of community engagement. Policy recommendations were presented, advocating for a holistic approach that includes government action, corporate responsibility, and international cooperation. Case studies illustrated successful models and persistent challenges in achieving this balance. The review concluded with future directions for research, stressing the need for innovative approaches and interdisciplinary studies to ensure the blue economy thrives without compromising the well-being of coastal communities.
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