• COSMAS ONYANGO Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • HEATHER EDDAH KIPCHUMBA, PhD Kenyatta University, Kenya
Keywords: Social Outcomes, Support Programs, Partnership Interventions


The wave of Covid-19 brought a shock that harmed the worldwide economic system, disrupting the usual way of life. The inadequacy of governments to offer critical services necessitates the call for this gap to be filled by other non-governmental stakeholders like community-based organizations (CBOs). Self-initiated projects such as creating pandemic attention to minimize the scourge of the virus and offering different material help are a means through which CBOs can attain this task. Strategic Nyakach (SN) is the biggest, most active CBO with initiatives that have addressed various demanding situations within Nyakach Sub-County. This research analyzed the contribution of CBOs to promote community standards during the covid-19 pandemic in Kenya. The research used the Collective action theory, and resource Mobilization theory. The analysis sampled Nyakach Sub-County purposely as the place of study. Descriptive research layout and purposive stratified random sampling with varying proportion in line with stratum was applied and, 100 citizens of Nyakach Sub County were randomly selected for the reason of gathering the statistics required. For statistics instruments, the study used questionnaires and interview schedules. A Pilot study was done to test efficacy and dependability of the instruments. 5 non-randomly selected respondent residents of Nyakach Sub-county participated in the pilot study, carried out in 2022. Bar charts, figures and tables were used for visual comparison of frequencies. The qualitative non-coded statistics from the family respondents and KII interviews was thematically analyzed alongside the set objectives to present credence to the voices of the respondents. The researcher ensured that ethical concepts were followed and the respondents were privy to their rights. Study permit was sought from Kenyatta University and NACOSTI. Ministry of health Covid-19 pointers were followed throughout the study. The research findings identified the partnership interventions put in place by Strategic Nyakach CBO and other stakeholders and its impact in managing the pandemic. However, the study found that despite the great efforts and the positive impact it had on the locals, the Financial Aid Department was unable to meet the large support need due to the large financial support needed for the project. This calls for intrinsic partnerships with agencies in various governmental and humanitarian fields to achieve this goal.

Author Biographies

COSMAS ONYANGO, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Master of Arts (Philosophy) Student, School of Law, Arts and Social Sciences, Kenyatta University, Kenya

HEATHER EDDAH KIPCHUMBA, PhD, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Public Policy and Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya


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