Main Article Content
The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of marketing intelligence capability on firm performance with organizational culture as moderator variable in logistics companies in Kenya. Specifically, the research sought to determine the effect of marketing intelligence capability on performance of logistics companies in Kenya. The research also examined the moderating effect of organizational culture on the relationship between marketing intelligence capability and firm performance in logistics companies in Kenya. The theoretical framework is guided by the resource-based theory and dynamic capability theory. Drawing on the positivist research philosophy, the research employed a correlational cross-sectional survey design for testing noncausal relationships among variables. Simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 272 logistics companies from a target population of 849 logistics companies in Kenya. A cross-sectional survey-based approach was used to collect primary data utilizing a self-administered structured questionnaire. With the help of 3 research assistants, the researcher utilized the drop and pick method to hand deliver the survey questionnaire. The collected data was processed and entered into the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 26 to create a data sheet to be used for analysis. Data analysis utilized the descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The correlation results showed that marketing intelligence capability had a positive and significant relationship with firm performance. The regression results showed that marketing intelligence capability had a positive and significant effect on performance in logistics companies in Kenya. The regression results indicated that organizational culture had significant moderating effect on the relationship between marketing intelligence capability and firm performance in logistics companies in Kenya. Managers and policy makers should to focus on strengthening marketing intelligence capability to foster the performance of logistics companies. Future research should examine the effect of marketing intelligence capability on firm performance in other sectors or contexts.
Article Details
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