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This study's goal was to determine the impact of annual age groupings on students' academic performance in the public primary school in Garissa town sub county, Garissa County. Positivism was used in the investigation. For this study, a descriptive research strategy was used to accomplish the predetermined specified goal. The study was conducted in the County of Garissa, Garissa Town Sub County. The study's target population was the 39 public elementary schools in Garissa Town Sub County, Garissa County. 16,524 students in public elementary schools were the target group for the analytic unit. To collect data from 391 students in class one, 39 instructors from each of the 39 schools contributed. Data was collected from a sample of 391 class one students using simple random sampling. Primary data was gathered via a questionnaire. Validity of the construct and the content was examined. The results of the pilot test were examined using Cronbach's alpha is a measure of the internal consistency or average correlation of survey items used to assess the reliability of an instrument. A coefficient value greater than 0.7 denotes the reliability of the research tool making it suitable for use in this study. Through the use of questionnaires, this study gathered data using both quantitative and qualitative methods, and the data was then analysed with the aid of SPSS version 24 and suitable data analysis tools. Tables and figures were used to display the data. The participants' consent and privacy were respected. The researcher followed the rules of ethical research.


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Author Biographies

SHUKRI ABDULLE BULLE, Garissa University, Kenya

M.Ed Scholar, School of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Garissa University, Kenya

ADAM MAALIM, PhD, Garissa University, Kenya

Lecturer, School of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Garissa University, Kenya

NJOKA MURIITHIA, PhD, Garissa University, Kenya

Lecturer, School of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, Garissa University, Kenya


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