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This study reviewed both theoretical and empirical literature that has tried to explain the relationship between demographic factors and financial performance. The study particularly considered studies done in Kenya and other countries that have examined relationships between such factors and their influence on SME financial performance. The study used secondary data gathered from financial and regulatory institutions, sampled SMEs within the county and primary data from the owner/managers of the same SMEs to acquire information regarding demographic characteristics of owner/managers and financial performance of the SMEs. Data analysis was done using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) that was used to conduct a correlation analysis between the independent variables and to produce a regression equation between the dependent and the independent variables The study findings indicate that education had a significant positive effect on the financial performance of SMEs in Kajiado County. The findings also show a positive correlation between income and financial performance. Furthermore, the findings also show a positive correlation between employment and financial performance. The study recommends that the SME managers/owners should seek to advance their education levels in relevant fields like book keeping and communication. The study also recommends initiatives be put in place by SMEs managers/owners to enhance their incomes independent of the SMEs. This will cause most SMEs to experience improved financial performance. Furthermore, the study recommends that in order for most SME owners/managers to experience better financial performance in their organisations, they should improve their employability before starting out as entrepreneurs. The findings of this study will be used to inform policy makers and other stakeholders on the extent to which education, income and employment influence financial performance of SMEs. This will help in predicting, guiding and ensuring sustainability and growth of SMEs in the county by applying measures on these demographic factors when managing the county’s economy. The study will form a basis for more research on dynamics around SME performances within Kenya, it will also add to the existing body of literature on the topics encompassing demography, finance and economics of a country.

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Author Biographies

ANTHONY OLALE OTIENO, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology [JKUAT], Kenya


CHARLES WEDA, PhD, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology [JKUAT], Kenya



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