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The study examined the influence of knowledge acquisition on human resource planning. The research was anchored on the knowledge-based view theory. A mixed research design was employed, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. The target population consisted of 209 employees from various hierarchical levels within the organization. The study employed a census approach. Data was collected using questionnaires, interview guides, and a secondary data template. The study utilized both descriptive and inferential statistics for data analysis. The pilot study conducted in the Judicial Service Commission confirmed the validity and reliability of the research instruments, with factor analysis showing all statements had factor loadings above 0.4, demonstrating strong construct validity. Reliability testing using Cronbach’s alpha yielded coefficients ranging from 0.745 to 0.823, all exceeding the acceptable threshold of 0.7, indicating the internal consistency of the instruments. The study found that knowledge acquisition had a significant positive influence on human resource planning (r = 0.695, β = 0.695, p = 0.000). The study recommends that the Public Service Commission of Kenya should prioritize and enhance its knowledge management practices to improve human resource planning. This includes implementing structured programs for continuous learning and development, investing in advanced knowledge management systems and databases. The organization should also develop a comprehensive knowledge management policy that explicitly links knowledge practices to human resource planning.

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Author Biographies

ANNE THUMBI, PhD Candidate, Kirinyaga University, Kenya

PhD Candidate, Kirinyaga University, Kenya

DAVID NJOROGE, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Kirinyaga University, Kenya

Senior Lecturer, Kirinyaga University, Kenya

STEPHEN KAMAU, PhD, Lecturer, Kirinyaga University, Kenya

Lecturer, Kirinyaga University, Kenya


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