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The county assemblies in Kenya are facing challenges in successfully executing the mandate including legislation, oversight the senior officials and representation of the general public. For Nyandarua county assembly, the infighting, inability to maintain the leadership positions, and suspension of some leaders; this has caused delays in policy and legislature formulation, inability to call for public hearings and participation in representing the views of the residents and delays in submitting reports. These implied decline in performance outcomes, and hence the need to adopt transformational leadership with its dimension of considering the individual employees. This paper focused on individualized consideration and its effect on performance at the Nyandarua county assembly. The paper was informed by transformational leadership theory and balanced scorecard model. Through use of descriptive research design, the study targeted top, middle and low-level management teams who took part in the study by filling the semi-structured questionnaire. There were 73 responses from a possible 81 distributed questionnaire, making a response rate of 90.1%. The findings show that 63.4% change in performance was linked to effect of individualized consideration. Additionally, the relationship between individualized consideration and performance was significant and positive since r = 0.596. The beta coefficient revealed that individualized consideration influenced the performance at the Nyandarua County Assembly, based on β =0.405, t = 1.302, and 0.000 < 0.05. Therefore, concluding that individualized consideration was effective in improving performance at the county assembly of Nyandarua. The paper recommends the assembly follows the contents of chapter six on leadership and integrity when selecting/electing its leaders. The leaders must take care of the needs, aspirations and interests of the subordinates; this will help create a good work environment and uplift performance outcomes.
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