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This study sought to evaluate the impact of competitive strategy on the performance of deposit-taking savings and credit societies (SACCOs). SACCOs have long been a strong pillar of the Kenyan financial sector and have played a key role in deepening financial inclusivity, thus their financial health was a significant benefit to the economy. The importance of competitive strategy in driving SACCO performance could not be underestimated, as a competitive strategy specified the path a firm would employ to gain a competitive advantage. Three objectives were pursued: the effect of cost leadership, the impact of innovation strategy and the size of the firm. The research targeted 176 SACCOs, involving 319 respondents. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed, with SPSS used for analysis. Regression analysis showed significant positive correlations between competitive strategies and SACCO performance. Cost leadership had the strongest impact, followed by hybrid strategies and innovation. Regression analysis further revealed the importance of these strategies, with cost leadership demonstrating the strongest positive impact on competitiveness (Beta = 0.522, p < 0.000), followed by innovation (Beta = 0.406, p < 0.000).Based on the findings, SACCOs are recommended to adopt diversified approaches, embrace technology-focused competitive strategies, prioritize staff training and development, adhere to regulatory requirements, and maintain adequate capital reserves. Furthermore, suggestions for further study include longitudinal analyses, comparative studies across diverse SACCOs, empirical validation through quantitative surveys, qualitative inquiry methods, impact evaluations, and policy analyses.

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Author Biographies

SAMUEL KURIA ALLAN, Kingdom Theological University, Kenya

PhD Candidate, Kingdom Theological University, Kenya

ENOS EZNE, PhD, Kingdom Theological University, Kenya

Professor, Kingdom Theological University, Kenya

DORCAS W. KIBATHI, PhD, Kingdom Theological University, Kenya

Lecturer, Kingdom Theological University, Kenya


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