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Community of practice has attracted attention as a way to spread knowledge and ultimately improving the performance of organizations. Government and private organization globally recognize the fundamental role of community of practice in fostering performance of companies hence attaining a competitive success in a dynamic market. Non-governmental organizations are a foundation upon which strategies for equality, economic and social development are anchored. However, studies have tended to focus on the relationship between non-governmental organizations and communities with few reflections on how internal non-governmental organizations dynamics contribute to their inefficiency and inept community impact. This study therefore sought to examine the extent to which community of practice is contributing to organizational performance and ultimately the quality of results and impact received by the community of non-governmental organizations work in Kiambu County, Kenya. The target population was 324 non-governmental organizations operating in Kiambu County. A sample of 179 program managers was selected using stratified sampling technique. Empirical data for the analysis were gathered using structured questionnaire. The validity and reliability of the data collection tool was assessed to confirm the suitability of the tool for use in the study. Descriptive analysis, and inferential analysis were conducted on the data set gathered from the field. The study established that community of practice have significant effects on organizational performance in non-governmental organizations working in Kiambu county. The study concluded that community of practice, significantly affected the organizational performance in non-governmental organizations working in Kiambu county. The study recommended that management of non-governmental organizations in Kiambu County should ensure that there is training for its employees in regard to incorporating lessons learned into normal work practices.

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Author Biographies

BENEDETTE NDUTA KABERA, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Master Student, Department of Business Administration, School of Business, Economic and Tourism, Kenyatta University, Kenya

GODFREY MUIGAI KINYUA, PhD, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, School of Business, Economic and Tourism, Kenyatta University, Kenya


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