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The objective of this study was to establish the influence of strategic customer focus on performance of agricultural cooperatives in Kenya. The target population was100 agricultural cooperative societies in Embu, Tharaka Nithi and Meru Counties Kenya by 2018. The study used stratified sampling technique to select a total of 240 respondents from managers of the agricultural cooperatives. Questionnaires were administered randomly to the sample of 240 across the management of the cooperatives after a pilot study involving 30 managers in 10 sampled agricultural cooperatives by drop and pick method. The researcher used quantitative research design. Data was screened to identify any missing data and was further tested for reliability and validity. Data was analyzed and presented by use of SPSS. Pearson’s Correlation analysis was used to explore the relationship among the variables. Reliability was tested using Cronbach’s Alpha. The pilot study played a crucial role in refining the research instrument and ensuring its validity and reliability. Cronbach's alpha was utilized to assess both aspects, providing valuable insights into the consistency and accuracy of the data obtained. Normality was tested using Kurtosis, Skewness and Kolmogorov Smirnov (K-S) test. Multicollinearity was tested. Inferential statistical technique, the chi-square was used to make analysis of the factors under study. Computation was done, and presentation in form of graphs and tables. The findings revealed that Strategic Customer Focus predicted performance of agricultural cooperatives in Kenya. The study concluded that strategic customer focus was strongly associated with the performance of agricultural cooperatives in Kenya. There was more focus on Customer Feedback, than Customer Retention, and Customer acquisition in the cooperatives in the country. The study, therefore, recommended that the agricultural cooperatives need to put more emphasis on customer focus. The cooperatives need to place more value on Customer Feedback, Customer Retention, and Customer acquisition.

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Author Biographies

JANE MUTHONI NYAGA, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology, Kenya

PhD Student, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology [JKUAT], Kenya

GREGORY SIMIYU NAMUSONGE, PhD, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology, Kenya

Professor, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology [JKUAT], Kenya

PETER SITUMA SASAKA, PhD, Technical University of Mombasa, Kenya

Lecturer, Technical University of Mombasa, Kenya


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