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The world in general constantly faces both political and economic upheavals due to unethical behavior of politicians and powerful political power brokers. Political interference is likely to shorten policymakers’ horizons leading to suboptimal short term macroeconomic policies. Political patronage manifests itself in politicians manipulating procurement processes in favour of family, friends and relatives; skewed public appointments, judicial, legal and policy frameworks; playing politics of ethnicity and tribal balancing; corruption and impunity in public service; and economic influences of corruption. Procurement related corruption has become a matter of great concern across the globe.  The main objective of this study was to find out the impact of political patronage on public procurement ethics in Kenya. The research design employed in this study was descriptive. This study relied heavily on secondary data as is the case with most desktop research study. The study reviewed journal articles, unpublished papers and conference papers on the influence of political patronage on public procurement ethics. The paper employed a desktop approach to provide answers to the research objectives. Specifically, the paper used a descriptive approach to gather information from peer-reviewed publications such as, journal articles, environmental organizations reports and books. The study found that corruption thrives in Africa, chiefly because the legal system is porous and openly manipulated, insufficient for monitoring and punishing offenders who constitute the ruling-elite class. Elites in African countries lack a commitment to the fight against corruption. This is demonstrated by their flagrant abuse of court processes and open manipulation of the legal systems. Elements of political patronage such as Favoritism, Cronyism, State Capture, Neopatrimonialism and Conflict of interest, has the capacity of diverting public resources to serve private interests rather than enlightened interests. The study recommended that, to fight Corruption in public procurement, the country’s top leadership must commit to fight corruption using the top down approach, strengthen corruption control mechanisms and see to it that offenders are punished. Moreover, the citizenry needs to be mobilized to demand transparency and accountability from those entrusted with state power.

Article Details

Author Biographies

KENNEDY OTIENO PANYA, Kibabii University, P.O. Box 1699-50200, Bungoma, Kenya

PhD Fellow and Lecturer, Department of Business Administration and Management, School of Business and Economics

MAKORI MORONGE, PhD, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology [JKUAT], Kenya

Senior Lecturer of Procurement & Logistics Management


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