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The purpose of the study sought to evaluate the influence of determinants of tourism destination competitiveness on customer loyalty. The study evaluated by the fact many tourism destinations competitiveness in Kenya are silent to domestic tourism due to lack of customer loyalty.  The specific objective was to evaluate the effects of destination attractiveness, to establish the effect of auxilary factors, to determine the influence of destination management and to establish the moderating role of situational condition in sanctuaries. The study would of significance to the management of tourism destinations. The study adopted Michael porter theory of competitive advantage. The study used descriptive research design. The study used a sample size of 233 respondents from tourist destinations. The target population was 466 respondents from the two sanctuaries. Stratified sampling techniques were used to select 233 respondents from Assistant warden ii, sergeant education warden, customer care officers, supervisors, animal keepers, tour guides, rangers, cage attendants, research scientist, and corporal discipline officers. The tool for data collection was research questionnaire. Validity of research instruments were measured by supervisor’s opinion and relevant research experts. Reliability of research instruments were determined by use of Crobach alpha coefficients. The data collected was analyzed by use of descriptive statistics involving percentage, mean, and standard deviations. The results were presented by use of charts, figures, graphs and tables. The findings from the study were of significance to the management of tourism destinations, policy makers, academicians and researchers who would use relevant knowledge to do further research.  The destination management affects attractiveness. Development in the destination should be responsive to visitor needs, Marketing of Tourist attractions should seek to increase resident awareness and reputation of domestic holidays, There’s need to engage domestic tourists through social networks such as you tube, twitter, facebook, whatsapp, etc to ensure efficient communication, Planning and development should focus on the uniqueness of the destination.

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Author Biographies

DELVIN K. ONSERIO, Kisii University, Kenya

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, School of Business and Economics

MONGARE OMARE, PhD, Kisii University, Kenya

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, School of Business and Economics

YOBES NYABOGA, PhD, Kisii University, Kenya

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, School of Business and Economics


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