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The anticipated outcomes of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the current state of cyber security adoption by the public sector institutions, especially in Kenya. The study reviewed on different literature on the status of cyber security adoption in regard to the enhancement on the performance of these institutions, identified challenges that the institutions faced in adopting and implementing such cyber security technologies, and the strategies needed to improve on cyber security applications. The review also pointed out cyber security measures that can lead to improved service delivery, increased operational efficiency, and more secure digital environment for the country's citizens. Thus, by identifying the challenges and barriers faced by these institutions, the study could help inform policy and decision-making processes, guiding future investments in cyber security and other related technologies. Further, the findings of this research could contribute to the enhancement of cyber security measures and their implementation in Kenya's public sector institutions. This, in turn, could lead to improved service delivery, increased operational efficiency, and a more secure digital environment for the country's citizens. By identifying the challenges and barriers faced by these institutions, the study could also help inform policy and decision-making processes, guiding future investments in cyber security technologies.

Article Details

Author Biographies

WILLIAM KIPLIMO TOO, Kenyatta University, Kenya

PhD Candidate

MORRISON MUTUKU, PhD, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Lecturer, Management Science Department


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