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This study assessed the influence of clan culture strategy on performance on performance of public universities in western Kenya. The study was guided by social exchange theory. The study targeted 226 respondents comprising of 27 top management, 86 deans of schools, 9 in charge strategic department, 95 senior assistant administrators and 9 students’ president in all the nine universities in western Kenya. Stratified random sampling was used in selecting a sample size of 144 respondents. Primary data was collected with the help of questionnaires. Pilot study was done at Moi university. Reliability was tested using Cronbach’s alpha and validity was tested using experts and factor analysis. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics comprised of mean, standard error and standard deviation. Binary logistic regression showed that clan culture strategy had a positive and significant influence on performance of public Universities in western Kenya. Western Kenya Universities and other public institutions would benefit from this study since it highlighted the key clan culture initiatives essential to their top performance, survival, and growth. Higher education institutions would find significant value in using this information as a guide when making decisions on strategic management. It was therefore concluded that adoption of clan culture strategy improves performance of public Universities. It was recommended that that management of universities should be adaptable and should rely on flexible controls and procedures.

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Author Biographies

VICTOR MCHAIZI, Kaimosi Friends University, Kenya

MBA (Strategic Management) Student, Department of Business Administration and Management Sciences

EMILY OKWEMBA, PhD, Kaimosi Friends University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Business Administration and Management Sciences

JOSEPH OTSYULA, PhD, Kaimosi Friends University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Business Administration and Management Sciences


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