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This paper attempted to investigate the impact of transformational leadership in organizational performance by studying Divine Word Parish in Nairobi, Kenya. The phenomenon of transformational leadership theory, organizational leadership and its association with both personal and organizational outcomes has become one of the topmost agenda and interest of researchers, scholars and practitioners. This paper had three objectives, to: a) investigate the impact of the transformational leadership style on organizational outcomes in the Divine Word Parish in Nairobi b) Determine the impact of the transformational leadership style on the personal outcomes in the Divine Word Parish in Nairobi c) Establish how the transformational leadership style is practiced in the Divine Word Parish in Nairobi. The paper adopted a mixed-method research method as enshrined in the traditional quantitative and qualitative research approaches. Study Findings: organizational innovation has a significant impact on organizational performance; also, transformational leadership and organizational performance has strong relationship. Therefore, TL helps managers to create effective leadership environment and style in their organizations and by thus motivate and encourage the employees to become more motivated, committed, innovative, creative and effective in realizing highest organizational and employee’s performance.

Article Details

Author Biographies

LUKA MUTUA, St. Paul’s University, Limuru, Kenya

Post Graduate Student

JOHN MUHOHO, PhD, St. Paul’s University, Limuru, Kenya


NASON VUNDI, PhD, St. Paul’s University, Limuru, Kenya



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