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The study determined the influence customer service delivery on organizational performance of private universities in Kenya.  The study was guided by service-profit chain theory. The research used descriptive cross sectional design. The target population was 172 respondents from the targeted private universities in Kenya. Stratified random sampling approach was used to determine the sample of 124 participants. Data was collected using questionnaires. For the determination of reliability, Cronbach alpha was adopted. For the analysis of data, quantitative approaches using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 23.0) was adopted to generate inferential and descriptive statistics results. Upon the analysis of data, data presentation was done by use of frequency tables. The study outcome revealed an existing positive and significant correlation between customer service delivery and organization performance in private universities in Kenya. This proves that, when customer service delivery is enhance, the organization performance in private universities in Kenya also greatly improves. The study therefore recommended that, Universities leadership should start implementing customer service delivery to spearhead positive results. The recommendations were that institutions should enhance customer service delivery to enhance financial performance.


Article Details

Author Biographies

PURITY KURIA, Kenya Methodist University [KeMU], Kenya]

Master Student (Marketing Management), School of Business and Economics

STEPHEN MAORE K. MAORE, PhD, Kenya Methodist University [KeMU], Kenya]

Lecturers, School of Business and Economics

JANE MUNGA, Kenya Methodist University [KeMU], Kenya]

Lecturers, School of Business and Economics


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