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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between performance appraisal feedback on employee performance in Wajir County Government. The study was supported by Social Cognitive Theory. This study employed a quantitative research design with the aim of systematically and numerically examining the association between performance appraisal feedback and employee performance in Wajir County Government. Using a stratified random selection technique, 110 respondents were chosen from 153 managers at various levels in the Wajir County Government as part of a descriptive research design. A questionnaire was utilized to collect the data, and content analysis, descriptive statistics, and inferential statistics were each employed for the qualitative and quantitative data analyses. The results showed that performance assessment feedback was positively and significantly correlated with employee performance at the Wajir County Government. The study's findings indicated that enhancing the implementation of performance appraisal feedback can result in improved employee performance within the Wajir County Government. As a result, the study recommended that the county government ensure regular provision of tailored performance appraisal feedback to employees, catering to their individual needs. Furthermore, the county government is encouraged to provide employees with regular performance feedback and acknowledge their achievements through rewards.

Article Details

Author Biographies

AGMADIGE ABDIKHEIR, Kenya Methodist University [KeMU], Kenya]

MBA Student (Human Resource), School of Business and Economics

EUNICE KIRIMI, PhD, Kenya Methodist University [KeMU], Kenya]

Lecturer, School of Business and Economics

ERICK NJERU, Kenya Methodist University [KeMU], Kenya]

Lecturer, School of Business and Economics


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