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This study assessed the influence of situational analysis in TVET institutions on graduate employability in Kenya. The study was anchored on human capital theory. Survey research design was used in the study. A sample size of 353 was selected from a target population of 3036 key TVET management staffs from 506 public and private TVET institutions in Nairobi, Machakos, Kiambu and Kajiado. Applying Yamane formula, stratified sampling technique was used to select 59 principals/deputy principals, 59 Registrars, 59 Dean of students for academics, and 176 Heads of Departments. A selected number of Ministry of Education officials were interviewed for additional data. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire consisting of both close and open-ended questions to capture quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics aided by SPSS version 25 computer software and Excel worksheets, and presented using tables and figures. The findings established that 86% of the TVET institutions carried out regular situational analysis as part of their strategy review process to enhance graduate employability, with 68% of the reviews dictated by market trends, 48% by availability of financial resources, 63% by competitiveness of courses, and 94% educational resources. The study concluded that situational analysis was an important element of strategy review that should be embraced by all TVET institutions. However, a number of the institutions were unable to carry out regular situational analysis due to lack of financial and human resource capacities to institute and implement this process in a regular manner and to a right scale. The study recommended that TVET institutions should create budgets for regular and thorough situational analysis.

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Author Biographies

MOUSTAFA EL AMIN EL SALLALY, Kenya Methodist University [KEMU], Kenya

Doctorate Student (Strategic Management), School of Business and Economics

FESTUS KINYUA RIUNGU, PhD, Kenya Methodist University [KEMU], Kenya

Lecturer, School of Business and Economics

ANN RINTARI, PhD, Kenya Methodist University [KEMU], Kenya

Lecturer, School of Business and Economics


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